intelligence is one of the many ultramodern technological concepts that
promise to revolutionize the human and microprocessor mutual interaction.
A.I. will mark the arrival of fifth generation computing. The children
of tomorrow can have pets and toys with a semiconductor heart and brain
that may prove to be the characters of their unrestrained imagination
coming to life. In actual sense, Artificial Intelligence is incorporating
human like intelligence into machines made up of semiconductor brains.
With the development of a successful A.I. we would be able to fuse the
mechanical power and astounding abilities of machines with the innumerable
capabilities of mortals.A perfect creature would be manufactured with
the ability of machines to work continuously without any physical or
mental fatigue and with utmost accuracy in addition to the abilities
of humans to make decisions according to the situation like an emergency.
Also the great power of creativity vested with humans would be incorporated
into an electrically powered living thing. Now just imagine the capabilities
of such a product of technology. The possibility of a robot basically
made up of non-living material achieving sentience, that is, intelligence
with the capacity for emotional development, is a hot philosophical
subject. Humans have an exceptional tendency to invest a variety of
emotions in inanimate objects such as cars, houses and so on, but experts
in artificial life believe the capabilities of "conscious"
robots will be too limited for them to ever offer a substitute for human
friendship. Robots with A.I. in central instructing unit will surely
arrive to change many things of routine life.
in this direction of technology have commenced since the last decade
and there have been certain cases of success, but the ultimate thing
is still far to reach. The extensive research in the field of Artificial
Intelligence applications in all the parts of the world gained importance
with the Japanese announcement in 1981 that they were going to build
a fifth generation computer that would be capable of logic deduction,
Even though the Japanese 5th generation project failed due to some
inherent problems that are always there with A.I., the research still
continued around the globe to integrate more intelligent computer
systems. Emphatic generals foresaw battle by hordes of entirely autonomous
buggies and aerial vehicles, robots that would have multiple goals
and whose mission may last for months, driving deep into enemy territory.
The problems in developing such systems are obvious - the lack of
functional machine vision systems has lead to problems with object
avoidance, friend/foe recognition, target acquisition and much more.
Problems also occur trying to get the robot to adapt to its surroundings,
the terrain, and other environmental aspects.
the present situation, developers seem to be more concentrated on
trivial goals, such as voice recognition systems, expert systems,
system safety softwares, script and language transition programs and
text to audio conversion programs to help the physically challenged
and other advisory systems. There are also developers in the field
who are working with the intention to reduce the workload on a pilot
and other important military officials and civil servants. Modern
pilots work in incredibly complex electronic environments - receiving
information not only from their own radar, but from many others. The
aircraft of the third millennium have highly complex avionics, navigation,
communications and weapon systems. All this must be organized in a
highly accessible way. Through voice-recognition, systems could be
checked, modified and altered without the pilot looking down into
the cockpit. Expert and advisory systems could predict what the pilot
would want in a given scenario and decrease the complexity of a given
task automatically. The modern weaponry is powered by some brilliantly
developed A.I.'s that can make a weapon more and more target specific.
The Evolutionary Algorithm could be actually programmed into the weapon
systems, so that the system could dynamically adapt to the terrain,
and other mission-specific parameters. We will discuss the EA later
in the article. Many of the computer games have an A.I. engine or
software that is designed for the way the computer should act at a
user generated event. Games like chess and other board games have
a very hi-tech A.I. that act very intelligently at every user move,
but the thinking capability of these A.I.'s is diminutive when compared
to that required by the Robots so that they can make decisions as
we humans as per the situation, emergency or in any other case. The
CAIR, India's very own A.I. research facility at Bangalore have developed
a few technologies and software's that can help design A.I. for some
specific cases. The following is a brief description of them -
nipuNa is an expert system shell developed. It has some
novel features, not present in the commercially available shells.
It provides an inference strategy that discovers all the goals that
are logical consequences of the rules and the observations. The tool
has been designed to be used for developing embedded expert systems.
It provides a user friendly development environment.
The knowledge representation scheme used in nipuNa is the "if
" format and is not restricted to Horn rules.
A hypertext-based cross-referencing mechanism is provided for querying
the knowledge base during the development phase. This helps in writing
rules and integrating them into the knowledge base. On-line help is
provided with the tool for all the features. nipuNa has been developed
in a PC version (nipuNa-PC) as well as a workstation version (nipuNa-WS).
Associate Kernel
- In many engineering systems, information is processed in a concurrent
and hierarchical manner. At the lowest level of the system, a large
number of data processing tasks collect data from the physical system.
After processing the data, any significant change in the parameters
of interest is reported to the next level of the hierarchy of the
event. After receiving events, some event-handler tasks are initiated.
Such event-handlers take autonomous actions whenever possible, else
they generate either events to be processed by the immediate higher
level or requests (for more data) from the immediate lower level.
This way, only those events requiring human intervention reach the
top of the hierarchy. The Pilot Associate Kernel is a toolbox for
developing such concurrent hierarchical applications with real-time
constraints. It provides features for event based programming in a
multitasking environment. It also provides methods for control, communication
and synchronisation between tasks.
Warning Manager
- An Intelligent Warning Manager has been developed to manage and
display warnings to the aircraft pilots. The warning manager reasons
with the set of warnings and displays only those that are important
to the pilot based on the warning knowledge provided to the warning
are working hard towards the goal of building a successful fifth generation
computer. You can know more about their work and contribution towards
the fifth generation technologies from there website.
major reason of big developed countries like UK and US to invest a
lot of money for the research of the 5th generation technologies is
to strengthen their military powers. Even the research is carried
out with military applications in focus. The applications of AI in
the military are wide and varied, yet due to the robustness, reliability,
and durability required for most military programs and hardware, AI
is not yet an integral part of the battlefield. Various paradigms
in A.I. have been successfully applied in the military field. For
example, using an EA - Evolutionary Algorithm
to evolve algorithms to detect targets given radar/FLIR(Forward-Looking
Infra-red) data, or neural networks differentiating between mines
and rocks given sonar data in a submarine. There is detailed description
of the two examples of Evolutionary Algorithm in depth as follows.
The source of following information regarding the examples of EA are
abridged from an article of the website Generation5.
is an excellent way of evolving algorithms that will map data to a
given result when no set formula is known. Normally mathematicians
and programmers could write or develop algorithms to deal with a problem
containing 5 or so variables, but problem arises when this value of
5 goes up to 10, 20 or may be 50. Then the problem becomes nearly
impossible to solve. Now comes the role of GP(Genetic Programming).
A GP-powered program creates a series of randomly generated expression
trees that represent various formulas thus simplifying the algorithm.
Then a test is carried out amongst the expression trees and the data.
Herein the poor trees are discarded and the best ones are kept and
breed. Now these trees are mutated, crossed-over and all the elements
in the genetic algorithms are used to breed the 'highest-fitness'
tree for the given problem. The best output of these will be a perfectly
match amidst the variable and answer. At other times it will generate
an answer very close to the wanted answer.
A notable
example of such a program is SDI's 'e' evolutionary algorithm designed
by Steve Smith. 'e' has been used by SDI to research algorithms to
use in radars in modern helicopters such as the AH-64D Longbow Apache
and RAH-66 Comanche. 'e' is presented with a mass of numbers generated
by a radar and perhaps a low-resolution television camera, or FLIR
device. The program designed by him then attempts to find (through
various evolutionary means) an algorithm to determine the type of
vehicle, or to differentiate between an actual target and mere "noisy"
data. Basically, the EA is fed with a list of 42 different variables
collected from the two sensors, and then a truth-value specifying
whether the test data was clutter or a target. The EA then generates
a series of expression trees (much more complicated than those normally
used in GP programs). When a new best program is discovered, the EA
uses a hill-climbing technique to get the best possible result out
of the new tree. Then, the tree is subjected to a heuristic search
to optimize the tree. Once the best possible tree is found, he will
output the program as either pseudocode, C, Fortran or Basic. Once
the EA had evolved the training data, it was put to work on some test
data. The results were quite impressive with the training data, but
the performance was poignant when applied to test data. Nevertheless,
the fused detection algorithm (using both radar and FLIR information)
still provided a decent error percentage.
outstanding technique of evolving algorithms that will map data to
the results is Neural Networks (NN).
A NN is normally pre-trained with a set of input vectors and a 'teacher'
to tell them what the output should be for the given input. A NN can
then adapt to a series of patterns. Thus, when fed with information
after being trained, the NN will output the result whose trained input
most closely resembles the input being tested. This method actually
reduces the capacity of producing results in various unprecedented
situations. Some of the scientists adapted this method to identify
sonar sounds. Their goal was to train a network to differentiate between
rocks and mines - a notoriously difficult task for human sonar operators
to accomplish.
network architecture was quite simple; it had 60 inputs, one hidden
layer with 1-24 inputs, and two output units. The output would be
[0,1] for a rock and [1,0] for a mine. The large amount of input units
was to incorporate 60 normalized energy levels of frequency bands
in the sonar echo. What this means is that a sonar echo would be detected,
and subsequently fed into a frequency analyzer, that would breakdown
the echo into 60 frequency bands. The various energy levels of these
bands was measured, and converted into a number between 0 and 1.A
few simple training method was used (gradient-descent), as the network
was fed examples of mine echoes and rock echoes. After the network
had made its classifications, it was then told whether it was correct
or not. Soon, the network could differentiate as good or better than
its equivalent human operator. The network had also beaten standard
data classification techniques. Data classification programs could
successfully detect mines 50% of the time by using parameters such
as the frequency bandwidth, onset time, and rate of decay of the signals.
Unfortunately, the remaining 50% of sonar echoes do not always follow
the rather strict heuristics that the data classification used. The
networks power came in its ability to focus on the more subtle traits
of the signal, and use them to differentiate. To conclude the military
applications of A.I., I would quote a sentence from an article at
Generation5 - "As techniques are refined and improved, more and
more AI applications will filter into the war scene - after all, silicon
is cheaper than a human life."
finds a major relevance in building the robots that can do anything
and everything perfectly. There are great expectations from these
metal friends whenever they come to action. All of us are pretty obsessed
with the things shown in Hollywood movies and want all of the fantasies
of Holly flick writers to come to life. But, science has something
dissimilar to say. According to Kevin Warwick's research, robots with
brain processing capabilities are no more intelligent than snails
or bees, with basic behavior patterns and the ability to map out simple
environments. "Humans have human emotions and robots have robot
emotions. As soon as you allow robots to learn, you are opening up
the possibility that they could develop their own emotions."
Sony's AIBO robot pooch, developed in 1999, proved that robots can
learn how to interact with humans using limited intelligence and play
a part in their daily lives, albeit at a rudimentary level. The AIBO
has learning ability and the capacity to mature. It is not designed
for a servile role, but rather to fulfill a "useful" purpose,
primarily that of companionship. AIBO had been designed to be a friend
for the older people of our fast paced and timeless society and for
those who are in a psychological state of loneliness. Ironically,
Sony's extensive research into developing the world's first intelligent
companion may have overestimated man's need for a chum endowed with
brains. The emergence of seemingly "useless" artificial
pets like Tamagotchis or Furbies confirmed that a relationship between
people and robotic creatures is possible, even if the robot is little
more than a key ring or stuffed toy with a dozen predefined functions.
Shadbolt, professor of artificial intelligence at the University of
Southampton is unconvinced about the role robots will play in our
lives. "I can imagine robots becoming companions, but we are
a long way from producing robots with the same behavior and intelligence
as pets". Shadbolt is skeptical about robots ever fulfilling
more than a proxy role in social situations. The hypothetical nature
of sentience debates leads experts such as Dr Murray Shanahan, senior
lecturer in electrical engineering at Imperial College, to completely
reject the possibility of artificial pets ever possessing human emotions
or responses. According to him, sentience is a rather high-vaulting
word to describe the kind of robots that we could have in the near
future. It is not appropriate to think of robots as being tied up
with human biological heritage, as we're not aiming to put things
that matter in robots. Cybernetics experts seem unwilling to talk
about the prospect of building "conscious" robots capable
of experiencing pleasure or pain, as they would then be responsible
for the way in which they are treated. Shanahan is adamant that robots,
particularly those with sophisticated 'thought' functions, must perform
a completely servile role. "I would not want to build such things
where there was a moral issue involved...We're designing these things
and we need to engineer them in a way that [ensures] robots never
move beyond what they are programmed to do."
these systems are quite impressive, and perfected models could provide
incredible assets to the human race. Artificial Intelligence may only
get developed to a certain level due to the threat humans feel, as
computers get more and more intelligent. The concepts behind movies
such as Terminator where our robotic military technology backfires
on us and destroys us are rampant. Hollywood fantasies of destruction
of human race by A.I. enabled metal demons can become the dark reality
of the future. None of us, not even the scientists who are working
hard towards the development of A.I. are sure of what would be the
reaction of an A.I. enabled machine. How would a machine react when
humans empower it with the capability of thinking and deciding as
humans? Would it be the Ram or the Ravana - would it be the Krishna
or the Kansa - would it be the Good or the Evil. As I conclude these
are the moral issues that we must confront as artificial intelligence