These Poems Are Composed By Prateek Tyagi And One Of His Cousins



Being a good friend is really an art-
A wonderful talent
that comes from the heart.
It's knowing the kind thing
To do or to say,
Listening and talking
A problem away.
It's being together
In good times and bad,
And just with a smile
Making each other glad.
It's caring for someone,
And showing it, too,
Thank goodness for good friends-
Friends just like you!


It takes more than caring
To be a real friend;
The nature of friendship;
Requires a blend
Of warmest compassion
And love deep and true
To reach and to comfort
The way that you do.
Because I can see
That your kind of friendship
Is priceless to me.


What a very nice thought!
What a sweet thing to do!
How warm and how friendly,
And how like "You."
Your kindness meant more
Than you'd ever guess-
Thank you so much
For your


God didn't promise
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow
or sun without rain.
But God did promise
strength for the day,
comfort for the tears
and a light for the way,
And for all who believe
in His kingdom above,
He answers their faith
with everlasting love.



If you think you are beaten,
you are.
If you think you dare not,
you won't.
Success begins with your
own will...
It's all in your state
of mind.
Life's battles are not
always won
By those who are stronger
or faster;
Sooner or later the person
who wins
Is the person who thinks
he can.