AI in a Computer Role-Playing Game

I'm currently working on a computer role-playing game1 that will be programmed in Visual Basic. Here's an overview of what I've come up with so far on the AI.

Since this was my first foray in AI the first thing I did was buy and read the book "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp".2 This introduced me to different types of AI and gave me a general idea of the topic. After reading the book I had to decide what level of AI should be put in the game. Should I go for a very complex AI or use tricks to give the illusion of thinking? The complex AI would take too much effort for a single programmer and would not necessarily mean better gameplay. And the simple AI would mean making a game similar to all the others. And I had to take into account that I never plan anything on paper before programming. So my solution was to make a flexible AI that would be complex enough to allow modifications in the game without having to make too many code modifications and easy enough so that it would be controllable to assure an interesting game.

Now that the level of complexity of the AI was decided I had to start desiging it. The first thing I did was to separate each element that would constitute the parts of the AI:

The environment: This is what makes the world. The locations and the objects. In classic game programming the objects are usually defined in the program as variables and have a certain number of parameters. For example:

Weapon(x).Type = "Sword"
Weapon(x).Value = 100
Weapon(x).Damage = 0

But this way of defining the objects would require code modification if I wanted to add an attribute. And the AI would have to be modified to take into account the new attribute. So I decided that all the objects would be defined "externally". Objects have certain characteristics and some of them can be modified. For example, a ball (object) is red (color attribute) and can be thrown (action) and if so it's location (attribute) will change. With these elements I can start the game editor. I made an "attribute editor", an "object editor" and an "action editor".
The attribute editor allows the creation of attributes like "open/closed state" for a door, a box or any object that can be opened or closed. This attribute can have the value "open" or "closed". A "damage" attribute could have a value between 0 and 100 reflecting the amount of damage an object would have. This allows the AI to be able to check for an object's attribute and possibly try to modify it. For example a character could "see" that that door is closed and if there was a reason for it he could try to open it.

Now that attributes are created I need a way to allow their modifications by the player or a character. This is what the "action editor" is used for. An action consists of a few key elements. First we need to make sure that an action is only available when certain conditions are true. For example, an "open" action should not be available on a door which state is "open". The "required attributes" is there for that purpose. This section contains all the attributes that are checked to make the action available. So in the "open" action the "open/closed state" attribute is checked for the "closed" value. When all the required attributes passed the test we can now go in the "verify attribute" section. This is where attributes are checked and if they are not the desired value the player is notified of it. For example if a door's "locked state" attribute is "locked" the game can tell the player "this door is locked, unlock it first.". And lastly, there's the "attribute modification" section. In the door example this section would contain the "open/closed state" attribute modification to the value "open".

The object editor allows to give different objects different attributes and possible actions. For example, after creating a new "door" object we can assign it an "open/closed state" attribute to know if the door is open or closed. Then we can assign it a "locked" attribute with "true" of "false" as possible values to know if the door is locked. Then we can create "open" and "close" actions and assign it to the door. Once the door object is finished we could create a "key" object and give it "lock" and "unlock" actions that would modify the "locked" attribute. Finally, this is where it becomes interesting, how would the AI work with that information.

The AI now has enough information to be able to do basic thinking. It can work with the created objects without writing specific code for each different object. Here's an example of how this works.

Continuing with the door example, a character could "see" that the door's "open/closed state" atribute is "closed". If for whatever reason that character would "want" that attribute to be "open" it would "think" the following way. First it would check which actions modify the "open/closed state" of an object. It would find that the "open" action does just that. Now that he would know what action to perform he would check what are the required attributes for the action. The "open" action requires the "open/closed state" of the object to be "closed" wich is true. Next he would check for the attributes verifications. Here the door's locked atribute must be "false" wich could be "true" for the sake of a good example. Now that he "knows" that he needs the modification of the door's "locked" attribute he would start again the thinking process where he would find that the "unlock" action can do that. After performing the "unlock" action on the door he could now perform the "open" action and finally get the door open. How about that? We now have an AI that can interact with a modifiable world.

This is where I am now. The next steps will probably be in these areas:

The characters need to have a knowledge base of their own to prevent them from "knowing it all". For example, in the verifications section of a key's unlock action could be the "unique id" attribute. This attribute would make sure that the key unlocks only the right door (key.uniqueID=door.uniqueID). But the character must not know wich door has the correct id. So there needs to be a kind of "filter" that would hide the doors and keys ids until the right key and door combination would be found.

The characters need to have motivations or goals. They can interact with the world but now they need a reason to do so. This could be achieved by attributes requirements. For example, the "hungry" attribute of a character should always be below 90% (goal: character.hungry < 90) to make sure that he sometimes eats. This attribute would rise as time goes by and the action of eating would result in the attribute lowering.

Hierarchies, family trees and relationships between characters needs to be adressed. This will allow the characters to interact with each other based on who they like, how high they rank and their family ties.

The hardest part will probably be the conversations. It will have to allow the flexibility of a text parser without having the player to enter text. I am still thinking about this part and I think that it will be achievable.

That's it. Hope that you enjoyed my little text.

Compiled from different essays at Generation5 website-Benoît Prézeau